Foodstuffs Merger Update

16 July 2024


We’re looking forward to providing the Commerce Commission with our response and submissions to its ‘statement of unresolved issues’ on our proposed merger with Foodstuffs South Island.  
In case you haven’t seen them previously, below are 10 reasons why we back our merger proposal 100%, and why we believe it’s the right thing to do for New Zealand right now. 
We reckon these 10 reasons are supported by lots of other evidence too – like PAK’n’SAVE being named New Zealand’s second most trusted brand, our ongoing strong relationships with our valued supplier partners, our two-year fight against food price inflation, and 99% of our local grocers voting yes for the merger back in June. 
We’ll continue to engage positively with the Commission through this process to resolve the issues. 
Foodstuffs’ updates on the merger and a copy of the clearance application are here